class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Topic 1: Introduction to Geospatial Analytics ### Dr. Kam Tin Seong
Assoc. Professor of Information Systems ### School of Computing and Information Systems,
Singapore Management Uniiversity ### 2020/04/25 (updated: 2021-05-03) --- # Content .vlarge[ - Demystifying Geospatial Analytics - Motivation of Geospatial Analytics - The Role of Geospatial Analytics - Geospatial Analytics and Social Consciousness ] --- ## Demystifying Geospatial Analytics .large[ - A **Geographical Information System (GIS)** is a toolkit for creating, managing, analysing, visualising, and sharing data of any kind according to where it's located.] .center[ ![:scale 70%](img/image1-11.jpg)] .center[ .vlarge[ Geospatial analytics is more than a GIS]] --- ## Demystifying Geospatial Analytics .large[ - Geospatial analytics is more than data visualisation] .center[ ![:scale 50%](img/image1-6.jpg)] .small[Source: and the real geospatial analytics] --- ## Demystifying Geospatial Analytics .large[ - Geospatial analytics is more than just mapping] .pull-left[ ![:scale 90%](img/image1-5a.jpg)] .pull-right[ ![:scale 90%](img/image1-5b.jpg)] .small[Source:] --- ## Motivation of Geospatial Analytics .large[ - About 80% of all data maintained by organisations around the world has a location component.] .small[(Source: BusinessWeek Research Services, 2006)] .center[ ![:scale 70%](img/image1-1.jpg)] --- ## Motivation of Geospatial Analytics .large[ - Geospatial information in Smart Nation] .center[ ![:scale 60%](img/image1-2.jpg)] .small[ See more at:] --- ## Motivation of Geospatial Analytics .large[ - The explosion in the availability of open geospatial data from both the public and private sectors at national and international levels] .center[ ![:scale 60%](img/image1-3.jpg)] --- ## Motivation of Geospatial Analytics .large[ - The national geospatial master plan] .center[ ![:scale 45%](img/image1-4.jpg)] .small[Source:] --- ## The role of Geospatial Analytics .large[ - Uncovering insights not found in statistical graphs and tables.] ![](img/image1-7.jpg) .small[Source:] --- ## The role of Geospatial Analytics .large[ - To reveal the untapped property of spatial contiguity in geographic knowledge discovery in databases.] .center[ ![:scale 80%](img/image1-8.jpg)] .small[Source:] --- ## The role of Geospatial Analytics .large[ - To uncover the complexity of the real world relationship.] ![](img/image1-9.jpg) .small[Source:] --- ## The role of Geospatial Analytics .large[ - To model spatial interactions and flows.] .center[ ![:scale 60%](img/image1-10.jpg)] .small[Source:] --- ## Geospatial Analytics and Social Consciousness The true power of geospatial analytics is to provide decision makers and planners with data-driven and process information for better problem solving and more efficient use of resources. .center[ ![:scale 70%](img/image1-12.jpg)]